It sees very widespread use in the hands of Death Troopers in Timelines.

It was made infamous by their use with the Death Troopers, but the First Order used it too. A glow rod was also attached to the underbarrel of the gun. The Empire realized that a scope was useful to make the rifle more efficient at longer ranges. It's overlooked in favor of other heavy blasters like the T-21 and the Z-6. It was light and mobile, with only one soldier being necessary to properly use the rifle. To exploit those advantages, the use of a bipod is recommended, both to make it more accurate at distance and to make the recoil more manageable in full auto. The rifle had an extremely high rate of fire and a single skilled gunner could even suppress a Mandalorian into submission or shoot down light airspeeders. It could provide accurate fire at long range in single fire (however, the rifle only came equipped with iron sights and it wasn't modular enough to receive a scope) and overwhelming firepower in fully automatic. It filled a role similar to the American M1918A2 BAR (Though based off of the MG34): it could be fired from the shoulder and from the hip (and is usually seen that way in Star Wars media), it was fed by a power pack (the Star Wars equivalent of magazine-fed), and, as such, it could fire for less time than dedicated machine guns like the T-21 repeating blaster, which comes with a power generator.

The DLT-19 was an Automatic Rifle manufactured by BlasTech and used by both the Empire and Rebel Heavy Troopers.